pondělí 3. března 2008

SEA 2 kit

4 komentáře:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

I love the look of this kit however i can't find where the download link is? Can you help me? Thanks!

Anonymní řekl(a)...

I am waiting longing for a new freebie. And now I am happy to see your presentation of the new wonderful kit.
I am sorry for my bad English.

Best wishes Gisela

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Hello, I am so glad you are back.
Thank you for sharing the new beatyful kit, just what I waiting for.
Have a wonderful day.
Best regards Shine.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

You are just amazing! Thank you for your generosity but you should think of selling your beautiful designs! you are really talented!