čtvrtek 7. srpna 2008


because I have now started to go back to work, I have to apologize to, but not in my power to do so freebie.Profese, family-all want their time ..
But I promise that remains for you I will do freebie. Not in such numbers as before-but certainly you can find a new freebie continue.
And if my blog, and thus remain faithful-thank you

protože jsem opět začala chodit do zaměstnání,musím se omluvit ale nebudu z časových důvodů stíhat pro vás připravit takové množství freebie jako dosud.Profese,rodina-všechno chce svůj čas..
Nicméně ale slibuji-že se budu snažit pro vás vždy nějaké to freebie nachystat.Pokud i přesto zůstanete mým stránkám věrní-děkuji vám.

12 komentářů:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Of course your first duty is to your family and I know everyone will understand. And yes we'll all miss the gorgeous freebies you've given on such a regular basis. I'll look forward eagerly to whatever you have time to do for us. Thank you so very much for each and everyone of your creations. I just love looking at them.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Myslím že těch věrných dušiček tu zůstane velice mnoho,protože freebíčka jsou úžasná.Chci za ně opět mockrát poděkovat a popřát mnoho štěstí a úspěchů v práci i v soukromí.
Děkuju Andulina

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 řekl(a)...

TY for all that you do do!!!!!!!!!

Anonymní řekl(a)...

I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful designs. I have to say out of all the designers I've seen you are my favorite. Thank you for your English on your blog. I am sorry I am not able to read your native language. Good luck with your work and I look forward to your designs whenever you find the time. Thank you again. wendy @ wendym_12972@yahoo.com

Johanna řekl(a)...

Thank you for thinking of us. I love what you create. They are all so creative and beautiful. I look forward to the new ones, even if there are less, I am happy you are Still with us :)

Thank you for sharing your talent with us


Peggie řekl(a)...

I hope you really enjoy your new job and may God bless you.
Will look forward to hearing from you when you can. Thank you again for
all these wonderful kit you have provided for us.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

I love your stuff! Thank you so much for all you have given to us!

MAŤA řekl(a)...

napriek návratu do zamestnania, stále robíš nááádherné veci a nakuknutie do tvojho blogu je vždy balzamom na dušu. dakujeme :-)

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Thank you so much for the most beautiful digi work on the internet. Family comes first, of course!
I visit your site often because I love your work and the music. I just had to find that song and finally found it is by Sara Melson. Thank you for introducing me to good music too. Take care of you and your family.

Sharon in Australia

Anonymní řekl(a)...

You do such beautiful work!! I will miss you but life comes first. I will keep on visiting your blog so that I will be here whenever you have time to write what is going on in your life. Thank you for all that you have given us. God bless you.

Michaela K. řekl(a)...

tak kubi preju at se v praci dari, urcite budu vernou navstevnici stranek i dal, jen skoda, ze neumim z tech tvejch nadhernejch kitu tvorit tak jako ty :(

Lisa řekl(a)...

You are so kind to share your beautiful designs with us whenever you find the time. Take care of your family first and best of luck to you at your job!!